Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

Film That Describe My Life

West animated film titled "Inside Out" tells the story of 11-year-old girl named Riley who have different emotions in his body. Riley in mind, there are 5 form that Joy emotions (happy, Amy Poehler), Fear (fear, Bill Hader), Anger (angry, Lewis Black), Disgust (disgust, Mindy Kaling) and Sadness (sadly, Phyllis Smith).

5 manifestation of these emotions lived in a place called the headquartes (headquarters) is the control center Riley mind that guided him through life and daily activities. Any circumstances be changed when Riley had to move to the city of San Francisco to join with his father. Headquartes became chaotic when Riley tried to adapt to life in the city. Temporal Joy try and remain to be optimistic, this emotion fifth clashed on how best to Riley in the face of city life, home, school and a new environment.

Why I chose this film because the film describe my attitude that a little difficult to adapt to new environments. I really like this movie because in addition to describing the life of me, the film is also very funny, plus the animated character is very funny. In addition, the film inside out is also good if children watch on his age so that they understand how to express opinions against the parents and also from the film we can also mengetehaui how to control emotions, fear, and a variety of things.

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