The more sophisticated the
technology the more interesting variety of applications. Apps that I think is very interesting this time
is instagram because it is popular and cool. The popularity of Instagram as a
social media, a lot of people who do not know the true meaning of the
application tersebut.Instagram composed of two words, namely "Insta"
and "Gram". The first meaning of the word taken from the term
"Instant" or fast-paced / easy. But in the history of the use of
cameras, the term "Instant" is another name of the Polaroid camera.
That is the type of camera that can instantly print photos moments after the
target object. While the word "Gram" is taken from the
"Telegram" whose meaning is attributed as the media sender
information very quickly.
From the use of these two words, we become
increasingly understand the meaning and the actual function of Instagram.
Namely as a medium to create a photo and send it in a very quick time. The
purpose is very possible by Internet technology that became the basis of this
social media activity. If only to make a photo and send it in quick time, not a
lot of other social media that offer a similar concept? Well, that question,
Instagram actually have to answer a series of features of the application.
Starting from the filter to optimize the use hashtags to categorize the theme
of the photo. If you want to prove more about the privilege Instagram, we can
reconsider through this application. Basically, social media is actually an
application that is very devoted to photography enthusiasts and practitioners.
So, from the function can be obtained a number of benefits that can create
optimal results. Another extremely interesting phenomenon of Instagram is how
most people are keen to popularize their account.
The goal is to gain as much as possible the
number of followers. This method is exactly like Twitter are generating a lot
Selebtwit in Indonesia. Similarly, the Instagram world that spawned a number of
celebrity with thousands and even millions of followers. When a person already
has a lot of followers, he automatically has a reputation that is attracting
interest from a number of vendors to put ads on their Instagram account. That's
called a buzzer that is able to gain a lot of advantages which started from a
hobby posting on Instagram or other social media.